Monday, May 25, 2009

My journey towards the Lord

Have you ever sought something deeply and yet found it hard to find?

In my life, I sought the Lord. I was lost in my own world of who is God. I tried studying all religion in order to understand why mankind was here in the first place.

I just did not understand that deep within me there is a profound answer. I prayed and cried to God one day on a prayer mat. I seeked who He was. I seemed to find him very distant.

It was in this moment that I noticed my most important questions of life being answered. The Word of God comes alive as we pray and seek His guidance. The Holy Spirit enables us to look within and we shall find.

I am so excited with this happiness that I found in the Lord. Amen. I shall always rejoice that the Lord loved me first and He never fails to seek those who seek Him with all their hearts.

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